Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living in His strength

On a side note to start out, it is funny the strategies satan uses and how obvious they are at times. I woke up today and immediately craved McDonald's breakfast. This is peculiar because I rarely eat breakfast and it usually makes me feel sick. I also had food cravings no less than six times while driving to work. It just so happens that I am fasting today. Before today I havent been very hungry or craving food due to the new diet I've been on. Therefore, it was obvious this would be a day in which I needed the Lord's strength to have victory.

Recently I have been learning more how to live with the Lord's strength instead of working with my own. I noticed that I still need alignment this morning when I asked the Lord to give me strength instead of "be my strength". In the past I have wanted the Lord to bless me so that I could succeed. In these days of living on His grace I am more trying to surrender my feelings(hunger, loneliness, anger, sadness, etc...) and asking the Lord to be everything for me. That in surrendering I am inviting those feelings if they are from the Lord but also that he would replace them with His. This meaning that instead of me being strong or fighting, I am just offering my life as a living sacrifice that the Lord might dwell in my walking carcass. Surrender is such a complex thought when one really comes down to it.

Grace and peace.
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